We have changed our brand colour from a bright red to a cool green, which is meant to be representing the calming nature. Also, green is the only colour - symbolising good luck and health.
Researchers have also found that a person in a green environment - experiences reduced stress and has a calming effect!
“Green is the fresh emblem of well-founded hopes. In blue, the spirit can wander, but in green, it can rest”– Mary Webb
Every one of us would have experienced a highly personal relationship with the colour green. It can be an experience, personal or cultural association. But when we think about it, green has always been associated with plenty of things.
It can be hope, optimism, energized, restfulness, royalty, elegant, richness, good health, playfulness, respect, responsibilities, wealth, peace, cleanliness, comfort, sturdy, strong, and compassion.
We all have tried once or twice in our life towards a green lifestyle. And, when we look at the options? We have a lot! Of all of the green options available for a green lifestyle, an individual can make the easiest and most common change beginning with the food.
“Green is a process, not a status. We need to think of 'green' as a verb, not an adjective.” – Daniel Goleman
Going green is a way of life that is truthful to yourself. You can go about introducing small changes in your daily life. But, the only way to go green is to embrace it.
So, let OzFoodHunter be the change in food. Now, we are green and download OzFoodHunter app and change your lifestyle.
Adopting a green lifestyle, an OzFoodHunter lifestyle, we can get Wealthy by choosing Healthy food.